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PBE 13/01/03 patch unofficial release note

2013年最初のPBEのPatch Noteです。

・ champion


Monkey's Agility(Passive)
Stanceを変更時のボーナスが10% Attack Speed(3回までstack)から10% Attack Speed and 4% Armor and Magic Resist(3回までstack)に変更

Turtle Stance(W)
シールド量が60/100/140/180/220 (+0.5) から60/95/130/165/200 (+0.5)に減少


Archangel's Staff

basic attackでManaが増えるという部分の記述が削除

Iceborn Gauntlet

Unique Passiveの記述が範囲Slowの効果がmeleeは35%、rangedでは20%で範囲減少から一律30%に変更(実際の効果の変更については未確認)

old - creates a field for 2 seconds that slows enemies inside by 35% (Slow is reduced to 20% and the Area of the Field is reduced for ranged champions) - 2 second cooldown.
new - creates a field around the target for 2 seconds that slows enemy Movement Speed by 30% (2 second cooldown)

Black Cleaver

PassiveのArmor Reduceが7.5% per stackから6.25% per stackに変更(前回と今回のこの変更についてはtipsのみの変更)

The Lightbringer

UNIQUE Passive:近くにあるstealth状態のtrapが見えるようになる

Enchantment: Captain


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