注 - PBEサーバのものなので一部コマンドは使えません。
13/01/26 16:12 - 日本語訳つけました。
all allchat
Sends a message that can be heard by both teams. By default, messages to /all are ignored unless you opt-in via the options menu.
両チームに聞こえるようにメッセージを送信する。ディフォルトではオプションで設定してなければall chatは使用できない。
Usage: /all [message]
allcommands allcmds
Type /allcommands for all possible commands.
Displays a list of all chat commands.
Usage: /allcommands - will print out an exhaustive list of every chat command.
togglechatfilter chatfilter
Profanity filter disabled.
Profanity filter enabled.
Toggles the profanity filter
Toggles the display of profanity.
Usage: /togglechatfilter
dance d
Make your champion dance. This will cancel any attack or movement commands.
Usage: /dance or /d to dance.
ignore ig mute squelch
Ignores the player or champion specified. Try /ignore PlayerName or /ignore @ChampionName
Usage: /mute [Player Name] or /mute @ChampionName
joke j
Make your champion tell a joke. This will cancel any attack or movement commands.
Make your champion tell a joke.
Usage: /joke or /j to joke.
laugh l
Make your champion laugh. This will cancel any attack or movement commands.
Make your champion laugh.
Usage: /laugh or /l to laugh.
nosurrender moforfeit noff noconcede
Places a 'No' vote against a call to surrender the game.
Usage: /nosurrender or /noff to vote against a surrender.
note n
Adds text to the 'MyNotes.txt' file.
Usage: /note [message] or /n [message]
pause p (Tournaments only)
Pauses the game until a /resume event occurs .
Pause the game. (Tournaments only)
Usage: /pause or /p to pause the game.
reply r rep
Replies automatically to the last player who whispered you. Try it!
Replies to the last private message received from a player on your buddy list
Usage: /r [message]
resume unpause (Tournaments only)
Resumes the game after a /pause has paused it.
Resumes the game. (Tournaments only)
Usage: /unpause or /resume to resume the game.
surrender forfeit ff concede
Starts a vote to end the game. This can only occur after a certain amount of time has passed.
Usage: /surrender or /ff to vote in favor of surrendering.
taunt t
Make your champion taunt. This will cancel any attack or movement commands.
Usage: /taunt or /t to taunt.
whisper w msg tell m
Whisper to a player by typing /msg \"PlayerName\" [your message here], then pressing enter to send.
Usage: /msg PlayerName [message]
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