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Ultra Rapid Fire 終幕

本日をもって、エイプリルフール限定のゲームモード、Ultra Rapid Fireが終了しました。

マナティが手を振りながら遠くへ消えていくかのように、Ultra Rapid Fireはお別れを告げています。

Ultra Rapid Fireはいずれかの形で戻ってくるでしょう、しかし、どのFeatured Game Modesでも言えるようにそのままというわけにはいきません。今週末、私たちはFeatured Game Modesに関する哲学とU.R.F.の開発の裏側をもっと共有してます。

さしあたり、professional Ultra Rapid Fireと top community plays をおさらいしましょう。

Game 4 Broke: 未来へと羽ばたくUltra Rapid Fire!
Game 4 Broke: April Fool Patch - Ultra Rapid Fire (URF) が実装
Game 4 Broke: U.R.F.関連のフォーラムの話題
Game 4 Broke: U.R.F.の終了日時が告知

Ultra Rapid Fire bows out | League of Legends


Ultra Rapid Fire bows out

Like a manatee waving a spatula as he fades into the distance, Ultra Rapid Fire is saying sayonara. U.R.F. was never meant to be more than an April Fool’s gag, but the community’s response has been anything but a joke, so goodbyes need not be final.

Ultra Rapid Fire will come back in one form or another, but like all Featured Game Modes it wasn’t designed to live forever. Later this week, we’ll be sharing more of our philosophy around Featured Game Modes and a behind-the-curtain look at the development of U.R.F. itself. In the meantime, recap all of the top community plays as well as professional Ultra Rapid Fire action.

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