Nasusの新スキン、Infernal Nasusがリリースされました。
価格は1820RPのLegendary Skinです。
11/21 22:50 - 投稿
11/23 2:38 - 背景訳を追記
11/23 21:52 - 背景訳を手直し
暗く歪んだ幻の世界より、Infernal Nasusが荒々しい雄叫びを上げる。
斧槍はSiphoning Strikeで邪悪な光にぎらつき、Witherが呼び寄せた影が獲物を掴んで離さない。
Spirit Fireを解き放てば、黒き炎が大地より立ち昇る。
震え上がる獲物を焼き尽くすのは、Fury of the Sandsの憤怒の炎。
Infernal Nasusは敵の前にそびえ立ち、三つの顎が炎を噴く。
It happened again, old friend. I dreamt of another world, fill with light, hope, and people - us - flourishing under the sun. The Tyrant guided our path, instead of forcing us to it. The Hound advised instead of slaughtered. I dream of that place , but I wake up to the sound of drums.
He marches towards us. I fear the judgment will be swift and the verdict (grave?). You may not hear from me again - my son carries this letter in the hope you can take him in. I would not ask this - that you take on another with your larder already bare - but that dream.
I've seen the Hound before, (判読不能) cold caress of shade (判読不能). Seen his wrath when enraged. See the smoldering ashes where those who squandered their gifts once lived. I may not survive. But I would have my son see and remember. And perhaps - by the might of the Ascended - I would have him dream.
1820RPで、Infernal Nasusを戦場へと解き放て。
Infernal Nasus unleashed! | League of Legends
Surrender at 20: Patch 3.14: Nasus Visual Update & Infernal Nasus
Game 4 Broke: Infernal Nasus、顕現
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