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Clash 概要説明 | 名誉システム


PBE 13/09/06 patch unofficial release note


バージョン -

- 新スキン&スプラッシュアート

"MakerViktor","","Viktor_3.jpg" - 1350 RP

- champion


Noxious Trap / R

破壊した時に10 Goldを得られるようになる


Ghoulを殺した際に5 Goldを得られるようになる


Dragon's Descent / R


旧:Active: Shyvana transforms into a dragon and takes flight to a target location. Enemies along her path take @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and are knocked toward her target location.

新:Active: Shyvana transforms into a dragon and takes flight to a target location, breathing a long trail of fire in front of her as she flies, dealing @Effect1Amount@ (+@CharAbilityPower@) magic damage and leaving a trail that deals the same amount of damage over 4 seconds. Enemies along her path are knocked toward her target location. While in Dragon Form, Shyvana's attacks and abilities have extra range.


tr "game_buff_tooltip_ShyvanaScorchedEarthDeath" = "Stood in FireThat's a 50 DKP minus.Source: @SourceName@"


- その他

MinionのVFXが変更、隊列でのSiege Minionの場所が変更

String定義ファイル内にZyra Botの名前が記載

Twisted TreelineにおけるAltarのボーナスが”+10% Attack Damage”から”+10% Bonus Attack Damage”に変更

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