Riot Kayle
パッチ作業に向けて、新Summoner's Riftが削除
Kog'MawのVoid Ooze(E)の見た目がゲームと合うように変更され、茂みの中で見やすくなるそうです。
Coming to a PBE near you: A Kog'Maw Void Ooze that looks like it belongs in the game! We're putting a few final touches on it [1/2]
— Kory! (@Ququroon) 2014, 8月 7
such as making it more visible in brushes, but it'll hopefully make you Kog players out there much happier. Lemme know what you think! [2/2]
— Kory! (@Ququroon) 2014, 8月 7
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