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Game 4 Broke - LoLの情報ブログ: セールのシステム変更とそれに伴う大規模セールの実施

December Early Sales! | League of Legends

同時にBonus RPが2倍になるイベントも行っているのでそちらもお忘れなく。
Game 4 Broke - LoLの情報ブログ: 期間限定でBonus RPが2倍に

SkinPriceSale Price
Ace of Spades Ezreal750520
Archduke Nasus750520
Arclight Vayne975750
Blood Moon Zilean975750
Debonair Galio750520
Definitely Not Udyr975750
Elderwood Bard975750
Firecracker Jinx1350975
Forsaken Jayce1350975
Guardian of the Sands Rammus975750
Guardian of the Sands Skarner975750
Guardian of the Sands Xerath1350975
Headhunter Akali1350975
Heartseeker Varus1350975
King of Clubs Mordekaiser750520
Marauder Ashe750520
Marauder Warwick750520
Master Arcanist Ziggs1350975
Order of the Banana Soraka750520
Queen of Diamonds Syndra750520
Risen Fiddlesticks1350975
Sandstorm Ekko975750
Secret Agent Xin Zhao975750
Star Guardian Lux1350975
Surprise Party Amumu1350975
Sweetheart Annie750520
Urf the Nami-tee750520
Warden Nautilus750520
Warden Sivir750520
Warring Kingdoms Katarina975750
Warring Kingdoms Nidalee975750
Wild Card Shaco750520