July bundles attack! | League of Legends
Born to Kill Bundle - 50% off at 2623 RP (チャンピオンが必要な場合:4423 RP)
Skins included:
- Dragonslayer Pantheon
- Dragonslayer Vayne
- Headhunter Caitlyn
- Headhunter Master Yi
- Ravenborn LeBlanc (Legacy)
Coldies but Goodies Bundle - 50% off at 2584 RP (チャンピオンが必要な場合:4593 RP)
Skins included:
- Arctic Ops Varus
- Ice Drake Shyvana
- Frostblade Irelia
- Glacial Malphite
- Snow Bunny Nidalee (Legacy)
Groundbreaking Bundle - 40% off at 3015 RP (チャンピオンが必要な場合:5241 RP)
Skins included:
- El Tigre Braum
- Arclight Vel'Koz
- Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV
- Haunted Maokai (Legacy)