



November sales schedule | League of Legends

ChampionSale PriceSkinSale Price
Azir487 RPArmor of the Fifth Age Taric375 RP
Corki395 RPAstronaut Teemo675 RP
Diana487 RPBandit Sivir375 RP
Dr. Mundo292 RPBlade Mistress Morgana375 RP
Fiora440 RPBloodstone Lissandra487 RP
Karma395 RPCharred Maokai487 RP
Lissandra487 RPDjinn Malzahar260 RP
Lucian487 RPDynasty Ahri487 RP
Malphite292 RPGuardian of the Sands Kha'Zix487 RP
Miss Fortune395 RPHeadhunter Nidalee487 RP
Nautilus440 RPIce Drake Shyvana487 RP
Riven440 RPIonia Master Yi487 RP
Rumble440 RPLord Darius487 RP
Skarner440 RPMafia Graves487 RP
Trundle440 RPMecha Aatrox675 RP
Twisted Fate292 RPMyrmidon Pantheon260 RP
Urgot395 RPNorthern Storm Volibear375 RP
Vayne440 RPPharaoh Nasus260 RP
Veigar292 RPPool Party Renekton487 RP
Viktor440 RPShadow Evelynn260 RP
Yasuo487 RPSorceress Lux260 RP
Zac487 RPTraditional Lee Sin260 RP
Zed487 RPTundra Hunter Warwick260 RP
Zyra487 RPUndertaker Yorick260 RP