

Patch 5.13で主だったAbility Power Itemの変更が予告

Patch 5.13で主だったAbility Power Itemの変更が予告されています。


[5.13] Core AP Items Pass

  • Needlessly Large Rod (* NLR)はコストダウン
  • 80 APのアイテムの増加
  • NLR派生アイテムの増加
  • 最もAPを獲得できるアイテムのAP量が120 APから100 APに減少 - ただし、フルビルドにした場合、APの量は以前から変化なし


 Blasting Wand

  • Cost: 860 G → 850 G

Needlessly Large Rod

  • Cost: 1600 G → 1250 G
  • Ability Power: 80 AP → 60 AP

Rabadon's Deathcap

  • レシピ変更: NLR + Blasting Wand + Amplifying Tome
  • Total Cost: 3300 G → 3500 G
  • UNIQUE Passive: 30% Ability Power Amp → 35% Ability Power Amp

Zhonya's Hourglass

  • Total Cost: 3300 G → 3000 G
  • Ability Power: 120 Ability Power → 100 Ability Power

Luden's Echo (Summoner's Rift)

  • Total Cost: 3100 G → 3000 G
  • Ability Power: 120 Ablity Power → 100 Ability Power
  • Movement Speed: 7% Movement Speed → 10% Movement Speed

Archangel's Staff (Summoner's Rift)

  • レシピ変更: NLR + Tear of the Goddess + 1030 G
  • Total Cost: 2700 G → 3000 G
  • Ability Power: 60 Base AP → 80 Base AP

Seraph's Embrace (Summoner's Rift)

  • Ability Power: 60 Base AP → 80 Base AP

Rod of Ages (Summoner's Rift)

  • Total Cost: 2800 G → 2700 G
  • Health: 450 Base Health → 300 Base Health
  • Mana: 450 Base Mana → 400 Base Mana
  • Passive: 20 Mana Growth / 200 Maximum Mana → 40 Mana Growth / 400 Maximum Mana
  • Passive: 2 Ability Power / 20 Maximum Ability Power → 4 Ability Power / 40 Maximum Ability Power

Nashor's Tooth

  • Total Cost: 2920 G → 3000 G
  • Attack Speed: 50% Attack Speed → 40% Attack Speed
  • Ability Power: 60 Ability Power → 80 Ability Power

Rylai's Crystal Scepter

  • レシピ変更: NLR + Amplifying Tome + Giant's Belt
  • Total Cost: 2900 G → 3000 G
  • Passive Single Target: 35% Slow for 1.5 seconds → 40% Single Target Slow for 1.5 seconds
  • Passive AoE: 15% Slow for 1.5 seconds → 40% Slow for 1 second
  • Passive DoT: 15% slow for 1.5 seconds → 20% Slow for 1 second

Haunting Guise

  • Total Cost: 1480G → 1500 G

Liandry's Torment

  • レシピ変更: Haunting Guise + Blasting Wand
  • Total Cost: 2900 G → 3000 G
  • Ability Power: 50 Base AP → 80 Base AP

Will of the Ancients

  • Spell Vamp 20% Spell Vamp → 0% Spell Vamp
  • New Passive: 相手のresistanceを計算する前のスペルやアビリティで与えたダメージの15%を回復する。AoE Spellの場合、この効果は33% (与えたダメージの5%)に減少する。

OmNomNomicon (* Morellonomicon)

  • Recipe Change: Codex + Idol + Amplifying Tome
  • Total Cost 変更なし

Athene's Unholy Grail

  • Recipe Change: Codex + Chalice + Amplifying Tome
  • Total Cost 変更なし

Void Staff

  • Total Cost: 2295 G → 2500 G
  • Ability Power: 70 Ability Power → 80 Ability Power