

PBE UPDATE 15/03/26 - Omega Squad Teemo 実装他


New Skin

Omega Squad Teemo 1820 RP


Taunting Amumu
"My tears have all dried up kid"

Taunting Corki,
"You've got no idea what it's like on the ground fly boy"

Taunting Gnar
"Little guy's gone native"

Taunting Heimerdinger
"Wars are won with men, not machines"

Taunting Tristana
"Rockets ain't for jumping ... who gave you that?"

Taunting Zilean
"Everyone's on a clock but only mine keeps tickin'"

Buying Liandry's Torment
"This is gonna sting"
"Some masks you never take off"
"Let 'em die slow"

Buying Nashor's Tooth:
"Next time I see Nashor, I'll yank a couple more"
"Got teeth? You got a weapon"
"We all live in the jaws of the beast"

Buying Rabadon's Death Cap
"Mete out the pain."
"Time to put on my killin' hat."

Buying Runaan's Hurricane
"Fighting fair is a good way to die"
"There's no such thing as collateral damage"
"One on three? Best odds yet"

Buying Zhonya's Hourglass
"This could have saved a lot of good men"
"Sometimes time stands still and all you can do is watch"
"2.5 seconds is all it takes"

Using a Sight Ward
"Nobody gets past Teemo"
"Never let your guard down"


  • Rapid Fire (Q) 新効果: "Explosive ChargeのクールダウンはRapid Fireを使用時に通常攻撃するたびに0.5秒減少する(チャンピオンに対しては2倍)"
  • Explosive Charge (E) : ライブサーバの状態へと巻き戻し


Enchantment: Cinderhulk
  • Total Price : 2200 → 2250

Surrender at 20: 3/25 PBE Update: Omega Squad Teemo