



Ranked Rewards and Negative Behavior



Your account will not earn any ranked rewards during the 2014 season following an extensive audit of in-game behavior during your recent League of Legends matches.

The personalized audit analyzed your games for examples of extreme harassment including sexism, homophobia, racism and excessive verbal abuse against other players in your game. At Riot, we do our best to try and encourage positive play and reform players who occasionally lapse into negative behavior. However, the type of activity found on this account is never acceptable within League of Legends in any context. We’ve seen some players believe that retaliation is okay, and we want to be very explicit that it is not.

Given the highly inflammatory nature of your comments and actions in game, you are ineligible for rewards this year, but if you improve your conduct next season, you’ll be eligible in 2015. However, continuing to display such negative behavior can result in the permanent closure of your account.