

PBE 14/09/16 patch unofficial release note - Maokai, Talonに調整, Akali , Nautilusのテクスチャーアップデートに調整



Akali (特にSilver Fangの鎌)

Nautilus (まだ未完成の模様)

Coming soon: Mass Texture Rebalancing!
Thanks for all your feedback, both positive and negative. There's been an overwhelming response to this, so I'm sorry that I haven't been able to reply to everything. I assure you that I've been reading through this thread (as well as many many others).

So to let you know what's coming up during this cycle. We had a large response to two characters in particular, and we're looking to bring your feedback in. Namely, Akali and Nautilus.

Akali will be receiving a few more details back, in response to her being too simplified. She's being modified with our goals still in mind, but we agree that we went too far. We will also be returning the Silver kamas on Silverfang Akali.

Nautilus is being grundged up, and will be getting more rust. We're also looking at an opportunity of placing a shader on his base as well, to really help it feel like metal, and not the commonly quipped plastic.

Finally, we're looking to finish Corki with the Red Baron and Ice Toboggan skins.



  • Vengeful Maelstrom ( R ): ダメージ蓄積量が150/200/250から100/150/200へ減少


  • Cutthroat (E): Silenceが削除、0.1秒間の99%Slowが追加


  • スキルアイコンが追加


Infinity Edge

  • 価格が3800 goldへと撒き戻し

Howling AbyssにKing Poroのデータが追加