

PBE 14/08/20 patch unofficial release note - Gnarに調整


バグにより、プレイ不可となっていたSummonner's Riftが再開



  • Mini Gnar: base attack damageが45から48へ増加
  • Mega Gnar: base attack damageが49から52へ増加

  • Boomerang Throw (Mini Q): Missile Speedが1000から1400へ増加(加速/減速も変更されている模様)
  • Boomerang Throw (Mini Q): 幅が45から60へ増加
  • Boomerang Throw (Mini Q): 戻ってくる際の幅が70から75へ増加
  • Boomerang Throw (Mini Q): 戻ってくる際のmissile speedが2400から2600へ増加

  • Boulder Toss (Mega Q): Missile Speedが2000から2100へ増加
  • Boulder Toss (Mega Q): 幅が80から90へ増加

  • Hyper (Mini W): maximum damage vs monstersが75/125/175/225/275から100/150/200/250/300へ増加

  • GNAR! (R): bonus AD ratioが0.2から0.5へ増加
  • GNAR! (R): 0.5 AP Ratioが追加



Twitter / RiotGypsy: Working on a collection of ...

Working on a collection of Gnar "buff-fixes" for this patch. Stuff like boomerang reliability. Will post later in week when they're locked

Twitter / RiotGypsy: Gnar numbers changes (like ...

Gnar numbers changes (like the R ratio increase) on PBE are experimental. Likely to revert many of them as people are still learning the guy

Gnar Boomerang Feedback: PLZ HALP

Hey folks,
Just submitted a set of changes to Gnar's boomerang logic on the PBE that are intended to up its reliability and reduce the crazy "right-angling" that happens at times with it.

General idea is that it can no longer swing out as far when its turning point is closer to Gnar. Additionally have slightly slowed its starting speed and upped the acceleration. Should give more time to catch it at close ranges while still making it get to its end point when needed.

PLEASE TEST THIS OUT AND GIVE ME FEEDBACK! What situations are you still running into where you feel you should be able to catch it but it does something to prevent you from doing so?

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