

Patch 4.10からDuo Queueにチームメイトに関する制限が追加

Patch 4.10からRanked Gameの"Duo Queue"に加わる新しい制限が発表されています。

Duo Queue Restrictions

今回新しく設けられる制限は「二人のTierが1 Full Tier以内であること」となる見通しです。


Ranked Game未経験者はGold、Silver、BronzeのプレイヤーとのみDuo可能となる見通しです。

We’re continually working towards improving the quality of ranked play. Beginning with patch 4.10, we’re introducing a new restriction for ranked duo queues so players will only be able to duo queue with teammates ranked between one full tier above or below them. For example, if you are Silver, you’ll be able to duo with players ranked Bronze to Gold.
We found that the vast majority of duos already invite players within these thresholds and games that had duos outside of these limits are perceived as lower quality. This also closes some loopholes that allow the potential for undermining the matchmaking system via smurf accounts.
Unseeded players who played in the previous season will use their previous season solo queue rank to determine duo eligibility. Unseeded players who have never played ranked will be able to invite Gold, Silver or Bronze players.
We strive to make ranked the pinnacle of competitive League play, and this restriction is meant to uphold the integrity of that competition while still allowing play between friends.
As always, share your comments and feedback below.
Happy hunting,

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