


Patch 4.9をもって、Karthusのビジュアルアップデートが実装されました。

PBEを漂ったKarthusのVisual Updateが、ついにLiveサーバへの道を見つけた! 再デザインされたモデルに新しいアニメーションを満載し、作り直されたセリフとスキルエフェクトが、最も偉大な死のチャンピオンをShadow Islesへと偽りなく打ち立てたのだ。Karthusのアップデートが行われた方法、または彼のコンセプトアートに興味があれば、最初のPBEの告知記事日本語訳)を見てきてほしい。

Karthus’ Oblivion bundleをもって、死の見せるそれぞれの顔を堪能しよう。フレキシブルバンドルの価格は2621RP(25%オフ)で、以下のセット内容で6月11日まで販売する。
  • Karthus(チャンピオン)
  • Phantom Karthus (Legacy Skin)
  • Statue of Karthus
  • Grim Reaper Karthus
  • Pentakill Karthus

Karthusが新しい姿でFields of Justiceへとやって来るのにワクワクするって? 下のコメント欄に、ぜひコメントしていってほしい!

Karthus’ Visual Update brings the death march to the masses | League of Legends

今回のVUで大量にセリフが追加されたKarthusですが、その中から特定のチャンピオンとのやり取りおよびアイテム購入時のセリフをピックアップしました(Sat20さま:Surrender at 20: Patch 4.9: Karthus Visual Updateより)。

  • "You decieve your followers, I will enlighten them"

  • "Death's Horse needs no bridle."
  • "You are but the herald, Hecarim. Remember who you truly serve."

  • "Your light is but a candle in the infinite dark."

  • "Abandon your mortality, and find your precious Senna."
  • "You can always join her, Lucian; it will be bliss."
  • "Lucian! Join her."
    「Lucian! 彼女のもとへ行け」

  • "You give the dead purpose, Mordekaiser; I give them meaning."
  • "A shell of flesh or a shell of metal; both ring hollow."

  • "Sion, we must free your soul from the prison of flesh."
  • "You are only the echo of greatness, but I can give you voice again."

  • "Death has more meaning than torment alone, Warden."
  • "You may shackle the living, but the dead must walk free."

  • "Urgot.. mmm.. I highly recommend death at this point"
  • "Abomination, you have cheated death too long."

  • "You are on the eve of liberation, Varus."

  • Angels too, are the messengers of death. [Archangel's Staff]
  • Host of angels or murder of crows? [Archangel's Staff]
  • It's power grows with time; as does mine. [Rod of Ages]
  • A companion for all time. [Rod of Ages]
  • A tear of loss, a tear of joy. [Tear of the Goddess]
  • A crown for the king of death. [Rabadon's Deathcap]
  • It's old master served my patron well. [Rabadon's Deathcap]
  • Ah, the song grows. [Rabadon's Deathcap]
  • I hear the echo of Rabadon. It is exquisite. [Rabadon's Deathcap]
  • None can outrun death. [Rylai's Crystal Scepter]
  • When death's grip finds you, it clings tightly. [Rylai's Crystal Scepter]
  • This crystal will sing with me. [Rylai's Crystal Scepter]
  • It will turn their mantles to shrouds. [Void Staff]
  • No one can hide from the end. [Void Staff]
  • What can protect you from the inevitable? [Void Staff]
  • The grave has all the time in the world. [Zhonya's Hourglass]
  • Freeze that moment, on the threshold of oblivion. [Zhonya's Hourglass]
  • The sands slip away like lives. [Zhonya's Hourglass]
  • Come, drink of the grail. [Athene's Unholy Grail]

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