

PBE 13/11/23 patch unofficial release note


バージョン -

- Yasuo, the Unforgiven

LV 1 Per LV LV 18
LV 1 Per LV LV 18
Health 512 +82.0 1906 HLReg 1.18 +0.18 4.24
Mana 60 +0.0 60 MNReg 0 +0.0 0
Attack 51.6 +3.6 112.8
Armor 18.4 +3.4 76.2 Magic Resist 30 +0.0 30
Range 175.0

MoveSpeed 350.0

tags fighter
Skill Name key cost cooldown range effect
Way of the Wanderer

Resolve: Moving grants Yasuo Flow, which is tracked on his resource bar -- moving faster grants more Flow. At maximum Flow, damage from a champion or monster grants him a shield for 2 seconds.
Intent: Yasuo's Critical Strike chance is doubled.
Steel Tempest Q
6/5.5/5/4.5/4 475.0 Thrusts forward, dealing 10/30/50/70/90 (+) physical damage. On hit, Steel Tempest grants a stack of Gathering Storm for 10 seconds. At 2 stacks, Steel Tempest fires a whirlwind that knocks Airborne. Steel Tempest is treated as a basic attack: It can critically strike, applies on-hit effects, and its cooldown and cast time are reduced by attack speed. If cast while dashing, Steel Tempest will strike as a circle.
Wind Wall W
26/24/22/20/18 400.0 Passive: Dashing builds an extra 4/8/12/16/20% of your resource bar. Active: Creates a moving wall that blocks all enemy projectiles for 4 seconds.
Sweeping Blade E
Dashes through target enemy, dealing 70/90/110/130/150 (+1) magic damage. Each cast increases your next dash's damage by 25%, up to 100%. Cannot be re-cast on the same enemy for 10/9/8/7/6 seconds. If cast while dashing, Steel Tempest will strike as a circle.
Last Breath R
Dashes to an Airborne enemy champion, deals 200/300/400 (+) physical damage and holds all Airborne enemies in the area in the air for an additional 1 second. Resets all stacks of Gathering Storm. For 15 seconds, Yasuo gains 50/50/50% Bonus Armor Penetration -- this reduces armor from items, buffs, runes and masteries.

Base Skin


- Champion


Rapture / Q

- Slowの効果時間の記述が3秒から1.5秒に変更 / 以前Patchで修正されたもので表記上の変更です


- Remakeが再実装

- Item

Relic Shield

- スタックがたまる時間が30秒周期から60秒周期に変更

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