

PBE 13/11/1 patch unofficial release note

11/01 11:40 - 投稿
11/01 19:38 - 茂みの配置追記

バージョン -

- 新スキン

Infernal Nasus



- 新スプラッシュアート


Sivir / 微調整

Lolli Poppy / 微調整

- Champion


Upgrade / R

- H-28Q Apex Turret / Q にdisable無効が追記


Tailwind / Passive

- Globalではなくなり、Range 1300(推定)に変更

Howling Gale / Q

- base damageが60/85/110/135/160 (+0.75)から60/85/110/135/160 (+0.35)に変更
- 溜めた際のbonus damageが25/30/40/50/60から15/20/25/30/35 (+0.3) に変更

Zepher / W

- 移動速度増加が4/7/10/13/16%から4/7/10/13/16(+0.04)% に変更
- base damageが60/115/170/225/280 (+0.6)から60/115/170/225/280 (+0.5)に変更
- slowが24/30/36/42/48%から24/30/36/42/48(+0.12)% に変更

Eye of The Storm / E

- Attack damage増加が14/23/32/41/50から14/23/32/41/50 (+0.08/0.10/0.12/+0.14/+0.16) へ変更


Eclipse / W

- bonus Armor / Magic Resistが30/40/50/60/70から25/35/45/55/65 (+0.2) に変更


Piercing Light / Q

- 80/120/160/200/240 (+) (60/75/90/105/120% of bonus Attack Damage) から 80/120/160/200/240 (+) に変更
- Piercing LightのratioはLucianのレベルに応じて50%から150%に増加が追記

The Culling / R

- Mana costが100/75/50から110/85/60へ変更
- base damageが40/50/60から50/55/60へ変更


Glitterlance / Q

- Slowの減衰の際の最小値が設定(0.13%) // 1% per 7.5 AP

Whimsy / W

- Movement Speed増加が35%から30 (+0.1)%に変更

Help, Pix! / E

- shieldのap ratioが0.6から0.7に変更
- damageのap ratioが0.6から0.5に変更

Wild Growth / R

- bonus Healthが300/450/600 (+0.5)から250/375/500 (+0.5)へ変更


Aquq Prison / Q

- ap ratioが0.65から0.5へ減少

Ebb and Flow / W

- 跳ね返る毎にreduced by 15%からmodified by (%)に変更

Tidecaller's Blessing / E

- Slowが15/20/25/30/35%から15/20/25/30/35% (+0.05%)に変更

Tidal Wave / R

- AP Ratioが0.7から0.6に変更


Hymn of Valor / Q

- AP Ratioが0.7から0.5に変更

Aria of Perseverance/ W

- base healが40/60/80/100/120が40/55/70/85/100に変更

Aria of Perseverance / E

- Movement Speedが6/8/10/12/14%から4/6/8/10/12% (+0.02%)に変更
- Power Chord - TempoのSlowが40%から40% (+0.02%)に変更

Crescendo / R

- AP Ratioが0.8から0.4に変更


- Base health が375から405へ増加
- Health Per Level incrased to 76 from 71
- Base Armor が7.4から9.4へ増加

Consecration->Salvation / Passive

- Magic Resist増加が削除
- SorakaのHealとMana回復が対象の失われているHealthとMana 2%につき1%増加する

Starcall / Q

- damageが65/85/110/135/160から60/95/130/165/200へ変更
- Magic Resist減少が8/9/10/11/12から6 (+0.15) に変更
- 1体以上の敵チャンピオンに当たった場合、Astral BressingのCooldownが5/6.25/7.5/8.75/10%減少する

Astral Blessing / W

- Heal が70/140/210/280/350(+0.45)から70/120/170/220/270(+0.35)へ変更
- Base armor bonus が25/45/65/85/105から50/65/80/95/100(+0.15)へ変更
- Base armor bosusの効果時間が3秒から2秒へ減少
- Mana cost が80/110/140/170/200から80/100/120/140/160へ変更

Infuse / E

- Mana回復量が40/80/120/160/200から20/40/60/80/100 plus 5% of Soraka's Max Manaに変更
- Mana Costが5% of Soraka's manaに変更
- damageが50/100/150/200/250(+0.6)から40/70/100/130/160(+0.4)+ 5% of Soraka's Max manaに変更

Wish / R

- Healが200/320/440(+0.7)から150/250/350(+0.55)に変更


Gemcraft / Passive

- max manaに応じたbonus damageの削除
- スキルを使用した次の通常攻撃にArmorに応じたbonus damageを追加、Cooldownを減少させる

Imbue / Q

- Cooldown が20/19/18/17/16から18/17/16/15/14へ変更
- AP ratio が0.6から0.3へ減少
- HealにTaricのbonus healthの5%が追加
- Mana costが80/95/110/125/140から60/80/100/120/140へ減少
- 通常攻撃時のcooldown減少が削除

Shatter / W

- damage が50/90/130/170/210から40/80/120/160/200へ変更
- AP Ratio は削除
- Armor Ratio が0.2から0.5へ増加

Dazzle / E

- AP ratioが0.4~0.8から0.2から0.4へ変更
- Cooldown が14/13/12/11/10から18/17/16/15/14へ増加

Radiance / R

- Cooldown が一律60から75へ増加
- Damage AP ratio が0.7から0.5へ変更


Limited to 1 Gold Income item

"Limited to 1 Gold Income item"と表記されているアイテムの中から購入可能なものは1つだけになります。


Shurelya's Reverie
Shard of True Ice
Avarice Blade
Philosopher's Stone

Long Sword

- costが400から360に変更

派生アイテムのTotal costは変更無し(combine costが40増加)

  • Vampiric Sceptor
  • Manamune
  • Last Whisper
  • Tiamat
  • The Brutalizer
  • Executioner's Calling
  • Sword of the Occult
  • Bilgewater Cutlass
  • Hexdrinker

Doran's Blade

- costが475から440へ変更
- Attack damageが10から8へ減少
- rangedのon hit healthが5から3へ減少 / Melee据え置き

Oracle Elixir

- 削除 / 暫定的な変更

Vision Ward

- 所持数制限:2
- 配置数制限:1
- Stealthではなくなる
- costが125から100へ減少

Sight Ward -> Stealth Ward

- 所持数制限:3
- 配置数制限:3

Twin Shadows

- 素材: Amplifying Tome + Amplifying Tome + Null-Magic Mantle
- cost が735から730に変更、totalは2000
- Ability Powerが40から50へ増加

Mana Manipulator

- 削除


- costが475から490へ変更、totalは1350から1325へ変更

Zeke's Herald

- costが900から800へ変更、total 2450


- 素材: Blasting Wand + Ruby Crystal / Philosopher's Stoneが素材から削除
- HealthRegenとManaRegen削除
- costが800から665へ減少、totalが2835から2000へ減少

Banner of Command

- 素材: Blasting Wand + Fiendish Codex / Emblem of Valorが素材から削除
- Base : 720 , Total : 2400 , Sell : 1680
- Ability Powerが40から80へ増加
- +20% Cooldown Reductionの追加
- HealthRegen, Armorの削除


- costが475から375へ減少

Shurelya's Reverie

- 素材: Philosopher's Stone + Faerie Charm
- Base : 970 , Total : 2000 , Sell : 800
- +20% Cooldown Reduction
- +10 Health Regen per 5 seconds
- +15 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
- +2 Gold per 10 seconds

UNIQUE Passive - Harvest: Grants 4 Gold each time a nearby minion dies that you didn't kill.
UNIQUE Active: Grants nearby allies +40% Movement Speed for 3 seconds (60 second cooldown).

Limited to 1 Gold Income item

The Bloodthirster

- costが850から650へ減少

Shard of True Ice

- 素材: Kage's Lucky Pick + Amplifying Tome
- Base : 715 , Total : 2000 , Sell : 800
- +50 Ability Power
- +10 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
- +4 Gold per 10 seconds

UNIQUE Passive - Spellthief: Spells and basic attacks against champions grant 8 gold, up to once every 10 seconds per enemy. Killing a minion disables this passive for 10 seconds.
UNIQUE Active - Frost Nova: Slows target enemy and all nearby enemies' Movement Speed by 50% for 2 seconds (60 second cooldown.)

Limited to 1 Gold Income item

Avarice Blade

Limited to 1 Gold Income item

Philosopher's Stone

素材: Philosopher's Pebble
Base : 485 ,Total : 850 , Sell : 340
+8 Health Regen per 5 seconds
+11 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
+2 Gold per 10 seconds

UNIQUE Passive - Harvest: Grants 4 Gold each time a nearby minion dies that you didn't kill.

Limited to 1 Gold Income item

Reaper's Emblem

素材: Executioner's Emblem
- Base : 485 , Total : 850 , Sell : 340
- +175 Health
- +12 Health Regen per 5 seconds

UNIQUE Passive - Execute: Basic attacks execute minions below 200 Health if an allied champion is nearby. This effect can occur up to twice per minute.
UNIQUE Passive - Soul Tithe: Minions killed by Execute restore 2% of your max Health to the nearest allied champion and grants them gold equal to the kill plus 10.

Limited to 1 Gold Income item

Kage's Lucky Pick

- Base : 485 , Total : 850 , Sell : 340
- +20 Ability Power
- +7 Mana Regen per 10 seconds
- +4 Gold per 10 seconds

UNIQUE Passive - Spellthief: Spells and basic attacks against champions grant 8 gold, up to once every 10 seconds per enemy. Killing a minion disables this passive for 10 seconds.

Limited to 1 Gold Income item

Philosopher's Pebble

- Base : 365
- Total : 365
- Sell : 146
- +5 Health Regen per 5 seconds
- +3 Mana Regen per 5 seconds

UNIQUE Passive - Harvest: Grants 2 Gold each time a nearby minion dies that you didn't kill.

Limited to 1 Gold Income item

Executioner's Emblem

- Base : 365
- Total : 365
- Sell : 146
- +50 Health
- +6 Health Regen per 5 seconds

UNIQUE Passive - Execute: Basic attacks execute minions below 200 Health if an allied champion is nearby. This effect can occur up to twice per minute.
UNIQUE Passive - Soul Tithe: Minions killed by Execute restore 2% of your maximum Health to the nearest allied champion and grants them gold equal to the kill plus 5.

Limited to 1 Gold Income item

Kage's Pick

- Kage's Lucky Pickの素材
- Base : 365 , Total : 365 , Sell : 146
- +10 Ability Power
- +3 Mana Regen per 10 seconds
- +2 Gold per 10 seconds

UNIQUE Passive - Pickpocket: Basic attacks against champions grant 4 gold, up to once every 10 seconds per enemy. Killing a minion disables this passive for 10 seconds.

Limited to 1 Gold Income item

Madred's Razors

- Armorが25から20へ減少

Wriggle's Lantern

- 素材: Madred's Razors + Dagger + Dagger
- Base : 300 , Total : 1800 , Sell : 1260
- +25% Attack Speed
- +20 Armor

UNIQUE Passive - Maim: Basic attacks to monsters deal 100 bonus magic damage and heal 10 health on hit.
UNIQUE Passive: Gain 40% increased Gold from monsters.
UNIQUE Active: Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown).

Limited to 1 Gold Income item

Will of the Ancients

- Hextech Revolver + Faerie Charm + Faerie Charm
- Base : 440 , Total : 2000 , Sell : 1400
- +50 Ability Power
- +10 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
- +10% Cooldown Reduction

UNIQUE Passive: +20% Spell Vamp

(Spell Vamp: Abilities heal for a percentage of the damage they deal. Area of Effect spells only grant one-third of the healing from Spell Vamp.)


- 素材のKage's Lucky PickはAmplifying Tomeに変更
- costが435から765へ変更

Eleisa's Miracle

- 素材がRejuvenation Bead + Faerie Charmに変更 / Philosopher's Stoneが素材から削除
- UNIQUE Passive - Aid: Heal, Clairvoyance and Clarity summoner spell cooldowns are reduced by 30%.が削除

Spirit of the Spectral Wraith

- 素材: Spirit Stone + Fiendish Codex
- Base : 480
- Total : 2000
- Sell : 1400
- +50 Ability Power
- +10% Cooldown Reduction
- +14 Health Regen per 5 seconds
- +7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds

- UNIQUE Passive: 5% of spell damage dealt to monsters is restored as Health and Mana.
- UNIQUE Passive - Butcher: Damage dealt to monsters increased by 30%.
- UNIQUE Passive - Bounty Hunter: Champion kills, assists and epic monsters grant 30 bonus gold and large monsters grant 10 bonus gold.

- Limited to 1 Gold Income item

Spirit of the Ancient Golem

- 素材: Spirit Stone + Kindle Gem
- Base : 450
- Total : 2000
- Sell : 1400
- +350 Health
- +10% Cooldown Reduction
- +14 Health Regen per 5 seconds
- +7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds

- UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity: Reduces the duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds, and immobilizes by 35%.
- UNIQUE Passive - Butcher: Damage dealt to monsters increased by 30%.
- UNIQUE Passive - Conservation: Upon killing a Large or Epic monster, grants up to 30 bonus gold, based on the last time Conservation triggered.

- Limited to 1 Gold Income item

Spirit of the Elder Lizard

- 素材: Spirit Stone + Long Sword + Long Sword
- Base : 580
- Total : 2000
- Sell : 1400
- +25 Attack Damage
- +10% Cooldown Reduction
- +14 Health Regen per 5 seconds
- +7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds

- UNIQUE Passive: Deals 16-50 (based on level) true damage over 3 seconds on dealing physical damage.
- UNIQUE Passive - Butcher: Damage dealt to monsters increased by 30%.
- UNIQUE Passive - Bounty Hunter: Champion kills, assists and epic monsters grant 30 bonus gold and large monsters grant 10 bonus gold.

- Limited to 1 Gold Income item

Mikael's Crucible

- 素材からPhilosopher's Stoneが削除
- Total Costが2500から1600へ減少
- HealthRegen削除
- ManaRegenが18から12へ減少

Martyr's Call

- Base : 675 , Total : 2000 , Sell : 800
- +400 Health
- +25 Health Regen per 5 seconds

UNIQUE Passive - Execute: Basic attacks execute minions below 200 Health if an allied champion is nearby. This effect can occur up to twice per minute.
UNIQUE Passive - Soul Tithe: Minions killed by Execute restore 2% of your maximum Health to the nearest allied champion and grants them gold equal to the kill plus 10.
UNIQUE Active - Healthbomb: Consumes 20% of your current Health to shield target ally for 10% of your maximum Health for 4 seconds. After 4 seconds, the target explodes dealing 10% of your maximum Health as magic damage in an area.

Limited to 1 Gold Income item


Ruby Crystal

Prospector's Ring

Ichor of Illumination

Archangel's Staff

Sunfire Cape

Aegis of the Legion

Youmuu's Ghostblade

Moonflair Spellblade


3340 Warding Totem (Trinket) Base : 0
Total : 0
Sell : 0

Limited to 1 Trinket.

Passive: Becomes Greater Totem at level 9 and can be further upgraded with gold.
UNIQUE Active: Places a Stealth Ward that lasts 60 seconds (120 second cooldown.) Limit 3 Stealth Wards on the map per player.

(Trinkets cannot be used in the first 90 seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for 180 seconds.)
3341 Sweeping Lens (Trinket) Base : 0
Total : 0
Sell : 0

Limited to 1 Trinket.

Passive: Becomes Greater Lens at level 9 and can be further upgraded with gold.
UNIQUE Active: Reveals and disables nearby invisible traps and invisible wards for 4 seconds in a small radius (180 second cooldown.)

(Trinkets cannot be used in the first 90 seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for 180 seconds.)
3342 Scrying Orb (Trinket) Base : 0
Total : 0
Sell : 0

Limited to 1 Trinket.

Passive: Becomes Greater Orb at level 9 and can be further upgraded with gold.
UNIQUE Active: Reveals a small location within 1100 range for 1 second (150 second cooldown.)

(Trinkets cannot be used in the first 90 seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for 180 seconds.)
3361 Greater Stealth Totem (Trinket) Base : 475
Total : 475
Sell : 475

Limited to 1 Trinket.

UNIQUE Active: Places an invisible Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (120 second cooldown). Limit 3 Stealth Wards on the map per player.

(Trinkets cannot be used in the first 90 seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for 180 seconds.)
3362 Greater Vision Totem (Trinket) Base : 475
Total : 475
Sell : 475

Limited to 1 Trinket.

UNIQUE Active: Places a visible ward that reveals the surrounding area and invisible units in the area until killed (180 second cooldown.) Limit 1 Vision Ward on the map per player.

(Trinkets cannot be used in the first 90 seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for 180 seconds.)
3363 Farsight Orb (Trinket) Base : 475
Total : 475
Sell : 475

Limited to 1 Trinket.

UNIQUE Active: Reveals a area up to 2500 units away for 1 second (90 second cooldown.)

(Trinkets cannot be used in the first 90 seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for 180 seconds.)
3364 Oracle's Lens (Trinket) Base : 475
Total : 475
Sell : 475

Limited to 1 Trinket.

UNIQUE Active: Reveals and disables nearby invisible traps, devices and wards for 6 seconds in a medium radius and grants detection of nearby invisible units for 10 seconds (90 second cooldown.)

(Trinkets cannot be used in the first 90 seconds of a game. Selling a Trinket will disable Trinket use for 180 seconds.)



- 茂みの変更

Blue Side、Red buff付近


Blue Side、Blue buff付近


Red Side、Red buff裏


Red Side、Blue buff付近

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