

PBE 13/07/19 patch unofficial release note


バージョン -

- champion


Conusume / Q

* クールダウンが18/16.5/15/13.5/12秒から17/15/13/11/9秒に減少 / 巻き戻し

- item

Aegis of the Legion

* 合成コストが 475 から 375 に減少
* 総コストが 2000 から 1900 に減少

Locket of the Iron Solari

* 総コストが 2600 から 2500 に減少

Guardian Angel

* 合成コストが 1480 から 1310 に減少
* 総コストが 2920 から 2750 に減少

Moonflair Spellblade (Ranged Only) / Dominion & TwistedTreeline

* 合成コストが 120 から 420 に増加
* 総コストが 2000 から 2300 に増加

Spirit of the Ancient Golem

* Healthが500から450に減少

Spectre's Cowl

* 合成コストが 155 から 205 に増加
* 総コストが 1350 から 1400 に増加

// 派生先のBanshee's VeilとSpirit Visageは合成コストが50下がったため総コストは変わらず

* UNIQUE Passiveの回復量が20 Health Regen / 5s から 15 Health Regen / 5s に減少

- UNIQUE Passive: Grants 20 Health Regen per 5 seconds for up to 10 seconds after taking damage from an enemy champion.
+ UNIQUE Passive: Grants 15 Health Regen per 5 seconds for up to 10 seconds after taking damage from an enemy champion.

- その他


- tr "game_buff_tooltip_Magical_Sight" = "Magical SightThis tower can see invisible units.Source: @SourceName@"
+ tr "game_buff_tooltip_Magical_Sight" = "TurretTurrets have the following bonuses: Can see inivisible units 30% Armor Penetration Deals bonus damage to Champions with each consecutive shot"

+ tr "game_buff_tooltip_TurretFortification" = "FortificationTurrets are fortified with bonus Armor and Magic Resist. Minions can remove this bonus."
+ tr "game_buff_tooltip_TurretInitialArmor" = "BulwarkThis turret has bonus Armor."

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