

Lucian, the Purifier - Skill Set

Lucian, the Purifierのスキルセット概要です。

Arm yourself as Lucian, the Purifier - League of Legends Community

影に立ち向かい、正義の力で悪を消し去る、Lucian, the Purifier。
古代の武器を用い、このranged carryはクイックショットや執拗なダッシュ、光の力を込めた弾丸による弾幕で敵を殴打する。



Piercing Light

Ardent Blaze

Relentless Pursuit
Lucianは短距離ダッシュし、全てのSlowの効果を取り除く。The Cullingで敵チャンピオンをKillした場合に、Relentless Pursuitのクールダウンをリセットする。

The Culling


Bot lane

高い機動力を誇る ranged damage dealer、Lucian は近くへとのこのこやってきた敵を咎める。

Piercing Lightはminionがいても高いハラス性能を備え、 相手 carryのfarmにおいて、ダメージを受けるか、避けてlast hit を逃すかの選択を強いることになる。

Relentless PursuitのダッシュやArdent Blazeの当たって敵に対する攻撃による速度増加はLucianに距離を縮めて、Killを取ったり、命取りとなるGankを避けるのに必要となる。

Lightslinger により、Lucianはスキルを使用した次のAuto Attackで2回攻撃することが可能だ。
life steal, slow, red buffなどのon-hit effectは2度発動する。これによりLucianはレーンでよりタフにダメージ交換を生き延び、存在感を維持する。

The Culling, Lucianのultimateは詠唱スキルで、直線状に弾幕を張り、最初にあたったチャンピオンにダメージを与える。他の多くの詠唱スキルと異なり、詠唱中にRelentless Pursuitでダッシュすることが可能だ。移動している間、The Cullingは同じ方向に発砲し続ける。
Relentless Pursuitを同時に使用することで、Lucianは迫ってくる敵から素早く逃げ去り、また逃げる敵を追跡することができる。The CullingでKillもしくはAssistが得られた場合、Relentless Pursuitのクールダウンはリセットされ、ulitimateが使用可能な間、Lucianは俊敏な殺人者となるのです。


一旦、Teamfightsが始まれば、Lucian は Relentless Pursuitで好まざる状況を回避したり、追いすがる敵をひきつけ、敵を回避し、優先目標を選び出せる。
集団と対面している場合、Ardent Blazeで敵をマーキングすれば、Piercing Lightを撃ち、速度増加が得られる対象が得られることになる。


Lucian wields relic weapons imbued with ancient power and stands a stalwart guardian against the undead. His cold conviction never wavers, even in the face of the maddening horrors he destroys beneath his hail of purifying fire. Lucian walks alone on a grim mission: to purge the spirits of those ensnared in undeath, his eternal beloved among them.
Like the twin relic weapons they wielded, Lucian and his wife Senna were carved from the same stone. Together they battled evil in Runeterra for years, bringing light to darkness and purging those taken by corruption. They were beacons of righteousness: Senna's dedication to their cause never faltered, while Lucian's kindness and warmth touched the hearts of the many lives they saved. Two parts of one whole, they were devoted and inseparable.
Though Lucian and Senna witnessed terror that would break most warriors, nothing they had seen compared to the horrors wrought by the Shadow Isles. When the spectral denizens of that accursed place began to manifest across Runeterra, Lucian and Senna hunted them down wherever they appeared. It was grim work, but the fearless pair prevailed until one tragic encounter with the soul-collector Thresh. Lucian and Senna had faced such nightmarish undead before, but never one so deviously clever and cruel. As the terrible battle unfolded, Thresh sprung an unexpected ploy. To Lucian's horror, the creature tricked Senna and ensnared her soul, trapping her in a spectral prison.

Nothing could bring her back. Senna was lost, and for the first time, Lucian faced his mission alone.
Though the Warden had taken half of Lucian's heart, he had also created the Shadow Isles' most dangerous foe. Lucian became a man of dark determination, one who would stop at nothing to purge the undead from the face of Runeterra. In honor of Senna's memory, he took up her fallen weapon and vowed to see their mission through to the end. Now wielding both relic weapons, Lucian fights to slay the undead and cleanse the souls of the Shadow Isles. He knows that Senna's soul is lost, but never loses hope that one day he will bring her peace.
"Be grateful. By slaying you now, I spare you an eternity of torment." - Lucian

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