

PBE 13/02/15 patch unofficial release note



- 新チャンピオン

Quinn and Valor - Demacia's Wings


LV 1 Per LV LV 18
LV 1 Per LV LV 18
Health 457 +85.0 1902 HLReg 1.01 +0.11 2.88
Mana 245 +35.0 840 MNReg 1.34 +0.08 2.7
Attack 51 +3.0 102
Armor 14.5 +3.5 74 Magic Resist 30 +0.0 30
Range 525.0

MoveSpeed 330.0

tags carry,ranged

Harrier (Passive)

Blinding Assault (Q)
Mana : 60/65/70/75/80
Cooldown : 11/10/9/8/7
Range : 1025
Valorが攻撃した近くの敵に70/110/150/190/230 (+) physical damageと1.5秒、Blindを与える。
As Valor : 現在の地点で同時に攻撃する。

Blinding Assault (W)
No Cost
Cooldown ; 50/45/40/35/30
Range : 2100.0
Passive: Valorにより印をつけられた対象を攻撃するとQuinnのAttack Speedが3秒間、20/25/30/35/40% 増加する。
Passive as Valor : Attack Speed が 40/50/60/70/80% 増加
Active: 2秒間、付近の広い範囲の視界を得る。

Vault (E)
No Cost
Cooldown ; 12/11/10/9/8
Range : 750
Quinnは敵に突進して、40/70/100/130/160 (+) physical damage を与え、移動速度を70/70/70/70/70% 減少する (この効果は2秒間かけて減少する)。
As Valor:同様の攻撃を行うが、後方への跳躍および印の付与は行わない。

Tag Team (R)
No Cost
Cooldown ; 140/120/100
Range : 700
first cast : 20秒間、ValorがMelee attackerとしてQuinnと入れ替わる。
second cast : 空からの降下攻撃と共にQuinnに戻る。
広い範囲に最小130/185/240 (+)、最大 260/370/480 (+) physical damage を与える。このダメージは対象が失っているHealthの量に比例する。

- チャンピオン

・Master Yi

Alpha Strike (Q)

ダメージが100/150/200/250/300 (+1) magic damage から100/150/200/250/300 (+0.5 bonus attack damage) (+1) magic damage に変更


Shatter (W)

Activeで使用時のダメージが60/105/150/195/240 (+0.6) magic damageから60/105/150/195/240 (+0.3 Armor) (+0.6) magic damageに変更

old -
Passive: Taric's gemstones increase the Armor of nearby allied champions by 10/15/20/25/30. Taric gains an additional 10/15/20/25/30 Armor for himself.
Active: Taric shatters his armor, dealing 60/105/150/195/240 (+0.6) magic damage to nearby enemies and reducing their Armor by 10/15/20/25/30 for 4 seconds. Taric loses 10/15/20/25/30 Armor while Shatter is on cooldown.

new -
Passive: Taric's gemstones increase his Armor by 10/15/20/25/30. Additionally, nearby allied champions gain Armor (10/10/10/10/10% of Taric's Armor).
Active: Taric shatters his armor, dealing 60/105/150/195/240 (+) (+0.6) magic damage to nearby enemies and reducing their Armor by 10/15/20/25/30 for 4/4/4/4/4 seconds. Taric loses 10/15/20/25/30 Armor while Shatter is on cooldown.


Razor Shuriken

Shadow Slash (E)


- アイテム

Warmog's Armor

UNIQUE PassiveによるHealth Regenがmaximum Healthの1.5%から1%に減少

Bilgewater Cutlass

Combine Costが250から125に減少 total cost 1800
Unique Activeのダメージが150から100に減少

Hextech Gunblade

Bilgewater Cutlassのcost減少により、total cost 3245

Blade of the Ruined King

combine costが975から375に減少 total cost 2850
素材が Bilgewater Cutlass + Dagger + Dagger に変更
Attack Damageが45から40に減少
+30% Attack Speedが追加
UNIQUE Activeが150 (+50% of Attack Damage) physical damageから150 + 10% of target champion's maximum Health as physical damageに変更

old -
"3153","Blade of the Ruined King","+45 Attack Damage +10% Life Steal
UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal 5% of the target's current Health in bonus physical damage (max 120 vs. minions) and heals for half that amount on hit.
UNIQUE Active: Deals 150 (+50% of Attack Damage) physical damage to target champion, heals for the same amount, and steals 30% of the target's Movement Speed for 2 seconds (60 second cooldown).",

new -
"3153","Blade of the Ruined King","+40 Attack Damage +30% Attack Speed +10% Life Steal
UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal 5% of the target's current Health in bonus physical damage (max 120 vs. minions) and heals for half that amount on hit.
UNIQUE Active: Deals 150 + 10% of target champion's maximum Health as physical damage, heals for the same amount, and steals 30% of the target's Movement Speed for 2 seconds (60 second cooldown).",

- その他


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