

PBE 13/01/11 patch unofficial release note


- champion


Apprehend (E)

old - Passive: Grants 5/10/15/20/25% armor penetration.
new - Passive: Darius's physical damage ignores 5/10/15/20/25% of his target's Armor.


Hate Spike (Q)
消費マナが14/18/22/26/30 Manaから16/22/28/34/40 Manaに増加


Death Sentence (Q)
説明文に"Activating this ability a second time pulls Thresh to the enemy."が追加

Dark Passage (W)
説明文の表記がalliesからallied Champions に変更

old - Thresh throws out a lantern that shields nearby allies
new - Thresh throws out a lantern that shields nearby allied Champions

・The Box (R)
説明文に"An enemy cannot be affected by multiple walls"が追加


Locus of Power (W)

old - increasing the range of all his spells and granting him 16/22/28/34/40% Magic Penetration.
new - increasing the range of all his spells and causing his magic damage to ignore 16/22/28/34/40% of his target's Magic Resist.

- item


old - returns 30% of damage taken as magic damage
new - returns 30% of the incoming damage (before being reduced by defenses) to the attacker as magic damage

・Spirit of the Elder Lizard

UNIQUE Passive - IncinerateがUNIQUE Passiveに変更

・Zhonya's Hourglass

UNIQUE Active - StasisがUNIQUE Activeに変更

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