

Absolute Legends NA Cheats on S3 qualifier

Absolute Legends NAがTeam Dynamicとの試合中にspectateを悪用したということで話題になっています。

事の発端はAbsolute Legends側のメンバーがDDoSか何かが原因でDCしてしまったことです。



SpamHappyというサブアカウントで知られるAL Zekentによる謝罪文がredditに掲載されています。

We ghosted during our first game against TD and we're sorry : reddit

We know that it was wrong and we feel obligated to formally post an apology before **** hits the fan.

After this first game, we chose to knock out the spectator option to prevent the temptation.
2試合目以降、我々は誘惑にかられないためにspectator optionを放棄することにした。

We are sincerely sorry to TD and hope that this doesn't affect peoples' views on LoL as an e-sport.
我々はTeam Dynamicに心からお詫びすると共にこのことがe-sportとしてのLoLを見る目が変わる事の無いよう願っている。

On behalf of myself and my team,


Edit: I'm honestly glad that TD won the BO3. We felt like **** after the first game due to what transpired.
Team DynamicがBO3で勝ってくれて本当に良かった。最初の試合後、やってしまったことに****(伏字)したくなった。

Edit2: We took out the spectator option after the first game. We know it was a huge mistake and didn't want the temptation to happen.
2試合以降、spectator optionを放棄した。大きな間違いを犯していたことに気づいていたし、誘惑に駆られたくなかった。


today was an all-time low that I have ever felt.

To the people that aren't informed about what happened, my team was playing against TD for the 3rd place match where the winner received a spot at the live qualifier for season 3.
何が起きたか知らない人に言っておくと、僕たちはSeason 3のlive qualifierへの出場権を賭けた3位決定戦をTeam Dynamicと行っていたんだ。

I would like to explain the situation, not to justify my team cheating, but in hope to allow everyone to understand the situation from our perspective.

Again, I would like to say that cheating is wrong. We were playing our first game against TD and we allowed their manager, TD hexo, to spectate the game.
話を戻すと、不正は悪いことだ。我々はTDとの1試合目に彼らのマネージャー、TD Hexoに試合を観戦させていた。

I never had a problem with hexo because I have always thought of him as a genuine person.

Throughout the game, we had to pause frequently because of lag problems with every single team member on aL(btw this match was not streamed).

Suddenly, Cruzer drops out of the game and couldn't reconnect. He was connecting and reconnecting continuously and then couldn't reconnect til he reset his IP address.
突然、Cruzerは切断され、reconnectできなくなった。彼はゲームへ復帰しようと試みたが、IP addressをリセットするまでreconnectできなかった。

He was gone for approximately 15 minutes and a lot of discussion was going through the skype chat.
彼は約15分間落ちていて、その間にskype chatで多くの話し合いがされていた。

I don't want to say who said what, but basically one of our players accused that Hexo is known to be shady and was told he had a history of DDoSing players.

For me personally, I had a huge headache and anxiety going through my head.

This place match was our only chance to get to the live qualifier because Zekent will be in Taiwan, during the online qualifier and we do not have a sub for support.
この試合はZekentが台湾に行ってしまう前にlive qualifierへの出場権を得る最後のチャンスなんだ。これを逃してしまうとonline qualifierの間、僕たちにはsupportの控えがいないんだ。

I did not know any of the information about Hexo and was really worried.

That is when one our players said the least we can do is try to even the playing field.

In the end, Hexo wasn't even watching the game for game 1.

We made total asses out of ourselves and I feel beyond horrible.

Each of us felt horrible about cheating before we even got caught and wanted to avoid this problem by not having spectators or allow spectating for games 2 and 3.

After playing the best of 3, I was frustrated with myself to allow my team to ghost.

I did not say anything about wanting to ghost, but not saying anything to tell them that cheating is not that answer makes me just as guilty.

Well with that being said, I don't think I can handle myself as a professional player and will probably stop playing competitively.

Sorry to disappoint my fans and most importantly sorry to have tarnished the name of Absolute Legends.
ファンのみんなにはがっかりさせて申し訳ないと思うと共に、Absolute Legendsの名前を傷つけてしまい本当に申し訳ないと思う。


試合はTeam Dynamicが2-1で勝利しています。

Absolute Legends NA Admits Ghosting During Qualifier : ggChronicle

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