

PBE 12/11/16 patch unofficial release note - Item


- 新アイテム

Arcane Helix
Item Cost:2175
Recipe Cost:500
Recipe:Catalyst the Protector + Ruby Crystal
+400 Health
+300 Mana
+10% Cooldown Reduction

UNIQUE Passive: マナの使用時に消費したマナの30%分Healthを回復する

Banner of Command
Item Cost:2580
Recipe Cost:890
Recipe:Blasting Wand + Emblem of Valor
+50 Ability Power
+30 Armor
UNIQUE Aura - Valor: 近くにいる味方は10 Health Regen per 5 secondsを得る。近くの味方のminionsのダメージは15%増加する。
UNIQUE Active - Promote: 近くにいるsiege minionを強力なユニットに変身させる。このユニットのKillによって得られる全てのGoldを得る。 - 180 second cooldown。

Crystalline Flask
Item Cost: 225
UNIQUE Active: チャージを一つ使用して10秒かけて 100 health と 40 mana 回復する
UNIQUE Passive: 購入時に3つのチャージがあり、ショップに立ち寄るたびに最大までチャージされる

Frozen Fist
Item Cost: 3400
Recipe Cost: 640
Recipe: Sheen + Glacial Shroud
+40 Ability Power
+500 Mana
+60 Armor
+15% Cooldown Reduction
UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: スキルを使用した次の通常攻撃は周囲の敵にAttack Damageの125%のダメージを与え、3秒間フィールドを生成する。フィールドの内側いる敵は35% Slowになる。- 2 second cooldown.

Hunter's Machete
Item Cost: 300
UNIQUE Passive - Butcher: monstersへのダメージが10%増加
UNIQUE Passive - Rend: monstersへの通常攻撃に10 true damageが追加される

Kage's Last Breath
Item Cost: 1520
Recipe Cost: 535
Recipe: Kage's Lucky Pick + Mana Manipulator
+45 Ability Power
UNIQUE Passive - Lucky Shadow: 10秒ごとに追加で4 Gold得る
UNIQUE Aura - Mana Warp: 近くにいる味方のチャンピオンは6 Mana Regen per 5 secondsを得る
UNIQUE Active: 4秒間、味方を吹雪で囲い、近くにいる敵の移動速度を30%下げる。 - 60 second cooldown.

Liandry's Torment
Item Cost: 2900
Recipe Cost: 980
Recipe: Haunting Guise +Amplifying TOme
+70 Ability Power
+200 Health
UNIQUE Passive - Eyes of Pain: +15 Magic Penetration
UNIQUE Passive: スキルでダメージを与えた場合に3秒間かけて現在のHealthの5%のダメージを与える。もし、slowになっていた場合はこの効果は2倍になる。(複数の対象や周期的効果では効果時間が半分になる、Monstersには最大300ダメージ)

Mercurial Scimitar
Item Cost: 3860
Recipe Cost: 600
Recipe: Quicksilver Sash + B.F. Sword
+65 Attack Damage
+45 Magic Resist
UNIQUE Active: 全てのDebuffを除去し、1秒間100% Movement Speedを得る - 60 second cooldown.

Mikael's Crucible
Item Cost: 2200
Recipe Cost: 920
Recipe: Chalice of Harmony + Sapphire Crystal
+300 Mana
+40 Magic Resist
+9 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
UNIQUE Passive - Mana Font: 減少しているMana 1%につき、Mana Regenが1%増加する。
UNIQUE Active: 1人の味方のすべてのstuns, roots, taunts, fears, silences , slows を取り除き、150 + 15% 減少しているHealthの15%を回復する - 180 second cooldown.

Item Cost: 2100
+1000 Mana
+20 Attack Damage
+7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
UNIQUE Passive - Awe: 最大Manaの2%に等しいAttack Damageを得る。
Toggle: 単体を対象にとるスキルや攻撃は現在のマナを4%消費して、消費したマナの2倍のダメージを与える。

Item Cost: 2850
Recipe Cost: 930
Recipe: Catalyst the Protector + Chain Vest
+350 Health +300 Mana +55 Armor
Unique Active: 2.5秒間、最も近い敵のタワーからのダメージを防ぐ - 120 second cooldown

Ravenous Hydra (Melee Only)
Item Cost: 3085
Recipe Cost: 400
Recipe: Tiamat + Vampiric Scepter
+75 Attack Damage
+15 Health Regen per 5 seconds
+10% Life Steal
Passive: このアイテムによって与えられたダメージにはLife Stealが発生する。
UNIQUE Passive - Cleave: あなたの攻撃しているユニットのまわりにAttack Damageの20-60%のダメージを与える。ダメージは外側ほど少なくなる。
UNIQUE Active - Crescent: あなたの周りにいるユニットにAttack Damageの60-100%のダメージを与える。 ダメージは外側ほど少なくなる。 - 10 second cooldown.

Ruby Sightstone
Item Cost: 600
Recipe Cost: 125
Recipe: Ruby Crystal
+300 Health
UNIQUE Passive - Ward Refresh: 購入時に5つのチャージがあり、ショップに立ち寄るたびに最大までチャージされる
UNIQUE Active - Ghost Ward: チャージを一つ消費して、サイトワードを置く。このアイテムの効果でマップ内に同時におけるワードは3個まで。

Runaan's Hurricane (Ranged Only)
Item Cost: 2350
Recipe Cost: 1000
Recipe: Dagger + Recurve Bow + Dagger
+70% Attack Speed
UNIQUE Passive: 通常攻撃時に対象の近くの2体にboltsを発射する。boltは1つにつき、10 + 50% of your Attack Damageを与え、on-hit effectsの影響を受ける。

Runic Bulwark
Item Cost: 3380
Recipe Cost: 650
Recipe: Null-Magic Mantle + Aegis of the Legion
+400 Health
+20 Armor
+30 Magic Resist
UNIQUE Aura - Legion: 近くにいる味方は10 Armor, 30 Magic Resist , 10 Health Regen per 5を得る。

Seraph's Embrace
Item Cost: 2710
Archangel's Staffからのupgrade
+1000 Mana
+60 Ability Power
+10 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
UNIQUE Passive - Insight: 最大 Manaの3%に等しいAbility Powerを得る。
UNIQUE Active - Mana Shield: 現在のManaの25%を使用して、使用したManaと同じ量のシールドを3秒間自分につける - 120 second cooldown.

Item Cost: 700
+100 Health
UNIQUE Passive - Ward Refresh: 購入時に4つのチャージがあり、ショップに立ち寄るたびに最大までチャージされる
UNIQUE Active - UNIQUE Active - Ghost Ward: チャージを一つ消費して、サイトワードを置く。このアイテムの効果でマップ内に同時におけるワードは2個まで。

Spirit of the Ancient Golem
Item Cost: 1600
Recipe Cost: 600
Recipe: Giant's Belt
+500 Health
+30 Armor
+14 Health Regen per 5 seconds
+7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
UNIQUE Passive - Butcher: monstersに与えるダメージが20%増加
UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity: Tenacity: stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds , immobilizesになる時間を35%減少する。

Spirit of the Elder Lizard
Item Cost: 1600
Recipe Cost: 725
Recipe: Pickaxe
+50 Attack Damage
+14 Health Regen per 5 seconds
+7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
UNIQUE Passive - Butcher: monstersに与えるダメージが20%増加
UNIQUE Passive - Incinerate: 通常攻撃と周期的効果でないスキルダメージを与えた場合、3秒間かけて15-66 (based on level) true damageを与える。

Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
Item Cost: 1600
Recipe Cost: 600
Recipe: Feiendish Codex
+30 Ability Power
+15 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
UNIQUE Passive: +20% Spell Vamp
UNIQUE Passive: +15% Cooldown Reduction
UNIQUE Passive - Butcher: monstersに与えるダメージが20%増加

Spirit Stone
Item Cost: 500
Recipe Cost: 140
Recipe: Faerie Charm + Rejuvenation Bead
+14 Health Regen per 5 seconds
+7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
UNIQUE Passive - Butcher: monstersに与えるダメージが15%増加

Statikk Shiv
Item Cost: 2450
Recipe Cost: 525
Recipe: Zeal + Avarice Blade
+40% Attack Speed
+20% Critical Strike Chance
+6% Movement Speed
UNIQUE Passive: 移動や攻撃により、チャージが増える。チャージが100になった次の通常攻撃で、最大4体まで100 magic damageを与える。このダメージはクリティカルが発生する。

Total Biscuit of Rejuvination
Item Cost: 1
Click to Consume: 10秒間かけて、 80 Health と 50 Mana を回復する。

Wraith Collar
Item Cost: 1900
Recipe Cost: 735
Recipe: Kage's Lucky Pick + Amplifying Tome + Null-Magic Mantle
+50 Ability Power
+30 Magic Resistance
+5% Movement Speed
UNIQUE Active - Hunt: 6秒間、 2体のinvulnerable ghostsを召喚する。ghostは近くにいる2人の敵チャンピオンを捜し求め、触れた場合には2.5秒間40% slow与え、視界を得る。 - 120 second cooldown.

Item Cost: 2450
Recipe Cost: 1200
Recipe: Stinger + Long Sword
+20 Attack Damage
+50% Attack Speed
+10% Movement Speed
+10% Cooldown Reduction
UNIQUE Passive - Tenacity: stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds , immobilizesになる時間を35%減少する。


Tier 2のBootsに以下の特殊な効果をつけることが出来るようになりました。

Alacrity475+15 Movement Speedが追加される。
Captain750UNIQUE Passive - Captain:あなたに近づく全ての味方チャンピオンは8% Movement Speedを得る。近くにいるミニオンは25% Movement Speedを得る。
Distortion475UNIQUE Passive:Teleport,Flash,Ghostのクールダウンが25%減少する。
Furor650UNIQUE Passive - Furor:単体を対象とする攻撃、スキルでダメージを与えたとき2秒間12% Movement Speedを得る。
Homeguard475UNIQUE Passive - Homeguard: 泉にいるかぎり、HealthとManaが最大まで得る。また、8秒間 200% Movement Speedを得る。Crystal Scarではこの効果は半分になる。


なお、costはTier2 以上のアイテムはreceipt cost

Boots of Speed350(±0)UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +25 Movement Speed
Rejuvenation Bead180(-70)+5 Health Regen per 5 seconds
Giant's Belt1000(-110)+400 Health
Cloak of Agility730(-100)+15% Critical Strike Chance
Cloth Armor300(±0)+15 Armor
Chain Vest720(+20)+40 Armor
Null-Magic Mantle400(±0)+20 Magic Resist
Long Sword400(-15)+10 Attack Damage
Pickaxe875(-100)+25 Attack Damage
B. F. Sword1550(-100)+45 Attack Damage
Dagger400(-20)+12% Attack Speed
Recurve Bow950(-100)+30% Attack Speed
Vampiric Scepter400(-50)+10 Attack Damage +10% Life Steal
Doran's Shield475(±0)+100 Health +5 Armor +5 Health Regen per 5 secondsUNIQUE Passive: Blocks 6 damage from champion basic attacks.
Doran's Blade475(±0)+80 Health +10 Attack DamagePassive: Your basic attacks restore 5 health each time they hit an enemy.
Doran's Ring475(±0)+80 Health +15 Ability Power +3 Mana Regen per 5 secondsPassive: Restores 5 Mana when you kill an enemy unit.
Negatron Cloak810(+70)+45 Magic Resist
Prospector's Blade950(±0)+20 Attack Damage +5% Life Steal(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)
Prospector's Ring950(±0)+40 Ability Power +10 Mana Regeneration(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)
Elixir of Fortitude250(±0)Click to Consume: Grants 120-235 Health, based on champion level, and 15 Attack Damage for 3 minutes.
Elixir of Brilliance250(±0)Click to Consume: Grants 25-40 Ability Power, based on champion level, and 10% Cooldown Reduction for 3 minutes.
Oracle's Elixir400(±0)Click to Consume: Grants detection of nearby invisible units for up to 5 minutes or until your champion dies.
Oracle's Extract400(+150)Click to Consume: Grants detection of nearby invisible units for up to 5 minutes or until your champion dies.
Abyssal Scepter980(-70)+70 Ability Power +45 Magic ResistUNIQUE Aura: Reduces the Magic Resist of nearby enemies by 20.
Archangel's Staff1140(+140)+250 Mana +50 Ability Power +10 Mana Regen per 5 secondsThis item transforms once it reaches +750 Mana, gaining a powerful mana shield active.
Manamune1000(+300)+250 Mana +10 Attack Damage +7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds Transforms into Muramana at 750 Bonus Mana.
Atma's Impaler780(-45)+45 Armor +15% Critical Strike ChanceUNIQUE Passive: Gain Attack Damage equal to 1.5% of your maximum Health.
Berserker's Greaves150(±0)+20% Attack SpeedUNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +45 Movement Speed
Boots of Swiftness650(±0)UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +60 Movement SpeedUNIQUE Passive - Slow Resist: Movement slowing effects are reduced by 25%.
Catalyst the Protector325(-125)+200 Health +300 Mana(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)
Sorcerer's Shoes750(±0)+15 Magic PenetrationUNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +45 Movement Speed
Frozen Mallet835(+10)+700 Health +30 Attack DamageUNIQUE Passive - Icy: Your basic attacks slow your target's Movement Speed by 40% for 1.5 seconds (30% slow for ranged attacks).
Glacial Shroud380(-45)+300 Mana +40 ArmorUNIQUE Passive: +15% Cooldown Reduction
Guardian Angel1480(+280)+50 Armor +30 Magic ResistUNIQUE Passive: Revives your champion upon death, restoring 30% of your Maximum Health and Mana - 5 minute cooldown.
Rod of Ages740(-110)+450 Health +450 Mana +60 Ability PowerUNIQUE Passive - Valor's Reward: On leveling up, restores 150 Health and 200 Mana over 8 seconds.
Chalice of Harmony300(+200)+30 Magic Resist +7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)
Infinity Edge645(+270)+70 Attack Damage +25% Critical Strike ChanceUNIQUE Passive: Your critical strikes now deal 250% damage instead of 200%.
Last Whisper860(-40)+40 Attack Damage(Armor Penetration allows you to deal more physical damage to high Armored targets. % Armor Penetration is applied before Flat Armor Penetration when calculating damage.)
Mana Manipulator40(-75)UNIQUE Aura - Mana Warp: Nearby allied champions gain 6 Mana Regen per 5 seconds.(Unique Auras with the same name do not stack.)
Phage590(+165)+200 Health +20 Attack DamageUNIQUE Passive - Icy: Your basic attacks have a 25% chance to slow your target's Movement Speed by 30% for 2 seconds (20% slow for ranged attacks).
Phantom Dancer495(+95)+50% Attack Speed +30% Critical Strike Chance +5% Movement Speed(A unit ignoring unit collision may walk through all units unhindered.)
Ninja Tabi350(+150)+25 ArmorUNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +45 Movement Speed
Zeke's Herald800(+375)+250 Health +15% Cooldown ReductionUNIQUE Aura: Nearby allied champions gain 10% Life Steal and 20 Attack Damage.
Sheen425(±0)+200 Mana +25 Ability Power(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)
Spirit Visage540(+240)+50 Magic Resist +200 Health +15% Cooldown ReductionUNIQUE Passive: Increases your healing, regeneration and drain effects on yourself by 20%
Sunfire Cape780(-20)+450 Health +45 Armor UNIQUE Passive: Deals 40 magic damage per second to nearby enemies.
Shurelya's Reverie550(±0)+250 Health +10 Health Regen per 5 seconds +10 Mana Regen per 5 secondsUNIQUE Active: Nearby allies gain 40% Movement Speed for 3 seconds - 60 second cooldown.
Tear of the Goddess120(-85)+250 Mana +7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)
The Black Cleaver1188(+393)+250 Health +50 Attack Damage +10% Cooldown Reduction +10 Armor PenetrationPassive: Dealing physical damage to an enemy champion reduces their Armor by 7.5% for 4 seconds. This effect stacks up to 4 times.
The Bloodthirster1000(+100)+70 Attack Damage +12% Life StealPassive: Gains 1 stack per kill, up to a maximum of 30. Each stack grants +1 Attack Damage and +0.2% Life Steal (max: +30 Attack Damage and +6% Life Steal). Half of the current stacks are lost upon death.
Thornmail760(-240)+100 Armor UNIQUE Passive: On being hit by basic attacks, returns 30% of damage taken as magic damage.
Trinity Force300(±0)+30 Attack Damage +30 Ability Power +30% Attack Speed +10% Critical Strike Chance +8% Movement Speed +250 Health +200 ManaUNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, your next basic attack deals bonus physical damage equal to 150% of your base Attack Damage (2 second cooldown).
Warden's Mail500(+100)+50 Armor(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)
Warmog's Armor995(+15)+1000 HealthUNIQUE Passive: Restores 1.5% of your maxmium Health every 5 seconds.
Zeal375(±0)+18% Attack Speed +10% Critical Strike Chance +5% Movement Speed
Rabadon's Deathcap740(-400)+120 Ability Power UNIQUE Passive: Increases Ability Power by 25%
Wit's End850(+150)+40% Attack Speed +20 Magic ResistUNIQUE Passive: Your basic attacks increase your Magic Resist by 5 for 5 seconds (effect stacks up to 4 times).
Avarice Blade400(+50)+10% Critical Strike ChanceUNIQUE Passive - Greed: Gain an additional 2 Gold every kill.
Philosopher's Stone340(+155)+7 Health Regen per 5 seconds +9 Mana Regen per 5 secondsUNIQUE Passive - Transmute: Gain an additional 5 Gold every 10 seconds.
Emblem of Valor170(-180)+20 ArmorUNIQUE Aura: Nearby allied Champions gain 7 Health Regen per 5 seconds.
Kage's Lucky Pick330(±0)+25 Ability Power(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)
Lich Bane880(-70)+80 Ability Power +250 Mana +5% Movement Speed(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)
Stinger450(+200)+40% Attack SpeedUNIQUE Passive: +10% Cooldown Reduction
Banshee's Veil490(-160)+300 Health +300 Mana +45 Magic ResistUNIQUE Passive: Gain a spell shield that blocks the next incoming enemy ability. This shield refreshes if you haven't taken damage from champions in 25 seconds.
Aegis of the Legion625(-125)+250 Health +20 Armor +20 Magic Resist(Unique Auras with the same name don't stack.)
Madred's Razors100(-185)+25 ArmorUNIQUE Passive - Rend: Your basic attacks against minions and monsters have a 20% chance to deal 300 bonus magic damage.
Fiendish Codex385(+85)+30 Ability Power +6 Mana Regen per 5 secondsUNIQUE Passive: +10% Cooldown Reduction
Frozen Heart500(-150)+90 Armor +400 Mana +20% Cooldown ReductionUNIQUE Aura: Reduces the Attack Speed of nearby enemies by 20%.
Mercury's Treads450(±0)+25 Magic ResistUNIQUE Passive - Tenacity: The duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds and immobilizes are reduced by 35%.
Malady800(+250)+25 Ability Power +45% Attack SpeedUNIQUE Passive: Your basic attacks reduce enemy Magic Resistance by 4 for 8 seconds (effect stacks up to 7 times).
Nashor's Tooth250(-150)+50% Attack Speed +65 Ability Power +10 Mana Regen per 5 secondsUNIQUE Passive: +20% Cooldown Reduction
Rylai's Crystal Scepter605(-95)+500 Health +80 Ability Power UNIQUE Passive: Dealing spell damage slows the target's Movement Speed by 35% for 1.5 seconds (15% for multi-target and damage-over-time spells).
Boots of Mobility650(±0)UNIQUE Passive - Enhanced Movement: +45 Movement Speed. Increases to +105 Movement Speed when out of combat for 5 seconds.
Executioner's Calling700(+200)+25 Attack Damage +15% Critical Strike Chance(Grievous wounds reduces healing and regeneration by 50%)
Guinsoo's Rageblade865(+465)+30 Attack Damage +40 Ability PowerUnique Passive: Falling below 50% health grants you 20% Attack Speed, 10% Life Steal and 10% Spell Vamp until you exit combat - 30 second cooldown.
Deathfire Grasp965(-10)+100 Ability Power +15% Cooldown ReductionUNIQUE Active: Deals 15% of target champion's maximum Health in Magic Damage then amplifies all magic damage they take by 20% for 4 seconds - 60 second cooldown.
Heart of Gold350(±0)+325 Health
The Brutalizer537(+30)+25 Attack Damage(Armor Penetration allows you to deal more physical damage ot high Armored targets. % Armor Penetration is applied before Flat Armor Penetration when calculating damage.)
Void Staff1000(±0)+70 Ability Power(Magic Penetration helps you deal more magic damage to enemies with high Magic Resistance. % Magic Penetration is applied before Flat Magic Penetration when calculating damage.)
Haunting Guise575(±0)+25 Ability Power +200 Health(Magic Penetration helps you deal more magic damage to enemies with high Magic Resistance. % Magic Penetration is applied before Flat Magic Penetration when calculating damage. Unique Passives with the same name do not stack.)
Quicksilver Sash850(-50)+45 Magic ResistUNIQUE Active: Removes all debuffs from your champion - 90 second cooldown.
Sword of the Occult800(-154)+10 Attack Damage UNIQUE Passive: Your champion gains 5 Attack Damage per stack, receiving 2 stacks for a kill or 1 stack for an assist (stacks up to 20). You lose a third of your stacks on death. At 20 stacks, your champion's Movement Speed is increased by 15%.
Youmuu's Ghostblade563(-37)+30 Attack Damage +15% Critical Strike Chance +10% Cooldown ReductionUNIQUE Active: Gain 20% Movement Speed and 40% Attack Speed for 6 seconds (4 seconds if you're ranged) - 45 second cooldown.
Randuin's Omen1000(+400)+500 Health +70 ArmorUNIQUE Active: Slows the Movement Speed of nearby enemy units by 35% for 2 seconds + 1 second for every 100 Armor and Magic Resistance you have - 60 second cooldown.
Bilgewater Cutlass250(-150)+40 Attack Damage +10% Life StealUNIQUE Active: Deals 150 magic damage and slows the target champion's Movement Speed by 30% for 2 seconds - 60 second cooldown.
Hextech Revolver330(±0)+40 Ability Power(Spell Vamp: Ability damage heals you for a percentage of the damage dealt. Area of Effect spells benefit half as much from Spell Vamp.)
Hextech Gunblade275(-325)+45 Attack Damage +65 Ability Power +10% Life Steal +20% Spell VampUNIQUE Active: Deals 150 + 40% of your Ability Power as magic damage and slows target champion's Movement Speed by 40% for 2 seconds - 60 second cooldown.
Will of the Ancients440(±0)+50 Ability PowerUNIQUE Aura: Grants nearby allied champions 30 Ability Power and 20% Spell Vamp
Blade of the Ruined King975(-25)+40 Attack Damage +10% Life StealUNIQUE Active: Drains target champion, dealing 150 physical damage plus 50% of your attack damage and healing you by the same amount. Additionally, you steal 30% of their movement speed for 2 seconds (60 second cooldown).
Wriggle's Lantern100(-50)+15 Attack Damage +30 Armor +10% Life StealUNIQUE Active: Places an invisible Sight Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 3 minutes - 3 minute cooldown.
Hexdrinker550(-35)+25 Attack Damage +25 Magic Resist(Unique Passives with the same name don't stack.)
Maw of Malmortius975(+50)+55 Attack Damage +36 Magic ResistUNIQUE Passive - Lifeline: If you would take magic damage that would leave you at less than 30% Health, you first gain a shield that absorbs 400 magic damage for 5 seconds - 90 second cooldown.
Zhonya's Hourglass780(-20)+100 Ability Power +50 Armor UNIQUE Active - Stasis: Your champion becomes invulnerable and untargetable but unable to take any actions for 2.5 seconds - 90 second cooldown.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity700(±0)UNIQUE Passive: +15% Cooldown Reduction
Grez's Spectral Lantern150(±0)+25 Attack Damage +20 Armor +12% Life StealUNIQUE Active: A stealth-detecting mist grants vision in the target area for 10 seconds (1 minute cooldown).
Eleisa's Miracle400(-100)+10 Health Regen per 5 seconds +15 Mana Regen per 5 secondsUNIQUE Passive - Eleisa's Blessing: If you gain 3 levels with this item, you gain all the effects of this item permanently and this item is consumed.
Athene's Unholy Grail920(+420)+60 Ability Power +40 Magic Resist +15 Mana Regen per 5 seconds UNIQUE Passive - Mana Font: Increases your Mana Regen by 1% per 1% Mana you are missing.
Odyn's Veil600(-50)+350 Health +350 Mana +50 Magic ResistUNIQUE Active: Deals 200 + (stored magic) [max: 400] magic damage to nearby enemy units (90 second cooldown).
Sanguine Blade800(±0)+60 Attack Damage +15% Life StealUNIQUE Passive: Your basic attacks grant 5 Attack Damage and 1% Life Steal for 4 seconds (effect stacks up to 7 times).
Entropy600(±0)+275 Health +70 Attack DamageUNIQUE Active: For the next 5 seconds, your basic attacks reduce your target's Movement Speed by 30% and deal 80 true damage over 2.5 seconds (60 second cooldown).
The Lightbringer245(-40)+50% Attack Speed +20 Attack Damage UNIQUE Passive: Your basic attacks grant vision of your target for 5 seconds.
Blackfire Torch700(±0)+70 Ability Power +250 Health (Magic Penetration helps you deal more magic damage to enemies with high Magic Resistance. % Magic Penetration is applied before Flat Magic Penetration when calculating damage. Unique Passives with the same name do not stack.)
Locket of the Iron Solari670(+170)+425 Health +35 Armor +10% Cooldown Reduction +10 Health Regen per 5UNIQUE Active: Shield yourself and nearby allied champions for 5 seconds, absorbing up to 50 + 10 per level damage - 60 second cooldown.

* こういう差分とるの久しぶりなので誤ってるかもしれません。その時はすみません。

情報元:Reign of Gaming
PBE Changes for 11/15 - Season 3 Items Patch, Nami, Runes, Champion Spell Changes, and More!

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