

Eleisa's Miracle , Tear of the Goddess and More

今日発表されたEleisa's MiracleとTear of the Goddessなどの変更、Blade of the Ruined KingとWicked Hatchetについての情報です

Tentative Stats (In Testing)

Eleisa's Miracle
+10 Health per 5 seconds
+15 Mana per 5 seconds
Removed Tenacity
Unique Passive - Aid: Your Heal, Clairvoyance and Revive cooldowns are reduced by 20%
Unique Passive: If you gain 3 levels while holding Eleisa's Miracle, you gain 10 HP/5, 15 MP/5 and the Aid Passive permanently and the item disappears from your inventory.


    @Riot: Buff Eleisa's Miracle or remove it.

    Tear of the Goddess
    +250 Mana
    +7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
    UNIQUE Passive – Mana Charge: Each time you spend Mana or cast a spell, your maximum Mana increases by 4 (3 second cooldown).
    Bonus Mana: 0/750

      レシピがFaerie Charm / 180g + Sapphire Crystal / 400g 、合成コスト 120g に変更?
      ツールチップに‘Mana Charge’という新しい名前の用語が追加されることになり、

        Archangel’s Staff
        +250 Mana
        +60 Ability Power
        +10 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
        UNIQUE Passive – Insight: +(3% of Maximum Mana) Ability Power
        UNIQUE Passive – Mana Charge: Each time you spend Mana or cast a spell, you gain 5 maximum Mana (3 second cooldown).
        Bonus Mana: 0/750
        Transforms into Seraph’s Embrace at 750 Bonus Mana

          コストとマナの減少はTears of the Goddessと同様に新しいアイテム計算方法に基づいている。
          Archangel’s staffはMana Chargeというパッシブを持っているのでTears of the Goddessとスタックしないが、マナの増加量が4から5に増えている。


              Seraph’s Embrace(Upgraded from Archangel’s Staff when fully charged) 
              +1000 Mana
              +60 Ability Power
              +10 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
              UNIQUE Passive – Insight: +(3% of Maximum Mana) Ability Power
              UNIQUE Active: Drains 25% of your current mana to shield yourself for an equal amount for 2.5 seconds - 120 second cooldown.

                Xypherous氏によれば、Rod of AgesとSeraph's Embraceを比較した場合、Rod of Agesは静的な生存力なのに対して、Seraph's EmbraceはManaと瞬間的な生存力であるということ
                また、Rod of AgesとSeraph's EmbraceはCatalyst -> Tears -> RoA -> AAAの順に作るとシナジーが得られるのでHourglassに比べると作りやすいとのこと

                Item Preview – Tons of Mana, just one Tear

                Remind me again (Why Madred's/Kitae Bloodrazors are disabled in TT?)というスレのRiotNome氏のコメントで、Blade of the Ruined King と Wicked Hatchetがシーズン3向けのアイテムであることや対Bruiser向けの新しいアイテム、"____'s Tankbusta"の存在があったこと、そして必要であれば代替となるアイテムを追加するという話が出ています。

                1st res

                Minor spoiler: Blade of the Ruined King and Wicked Hatchet are actually Season 3 items.
                During development, we actually had a very powerful version of Madred's called Tankbusta that completely destroyed the Bruiser meta (yes, it can be done!). However, we found that there was a lot of crossover between Tankbusta and the S3 items, so we scrapped Tankbusta and brought over the S3 items instead.

                BotRK is definitely weaker than Tankbusta, but we'll separate them out again and give TT its own replacement if necessary. Also note that this was the plan when we were launching TT. I don't know if they're still going to be on SR as-is, if they're going to get changes, or if they're scrapped from the map altogether.
                4th res
                Originally Posted by Ginga
                And awesome as the item might be....please don't call it Tankbusta.

                Even Tank Buster would be better...or something similar like "Giant Buster" or "Titan Buster" would sound better than ___Busta....

                It was actually ____'s Tankbusta. It made sense in the full context of the name. Won't give it away though :P

                Remind me again

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